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Interviewing Tips from a Recruiter

Preparing for an interview during this uncertain time can be more stressful than usual. Recruiters typically serve as the middlemen between candidates and hiring managers, which means we get a behind the scenes look at thousands of interviews each year. Here are a few basic interviewing tips to set yourself up for success: 

  • Do your Research:  Go to the website and be sure you know the ins and outs of the company and why you’re interested in them / their mission.  Review the LinkedIn profile of every interviewer. Identifying commonalities that you share with the interviewer can help with ease of conversation and small talk.  Overall, you want to show that you prepared, that you’re taking the interview seriously, and most importantly, that you are excited about the opportunity.

  • Have your story down: Be prepared to walk the interviewer through your professional experience, including relevant accomplishments, role charter, skills and all career transitions (roles and companies). Don’t overshare or be verbose. Remember, be confident, but humble. 

  • Be Honest: It’s like your parents taught you; never lie.  Take ownership and be truthful about any experiences that may appear negative (short stints, being fired/let go, quitting, missing quota, etc.).  These occurrences are rarely deal-breakers to companies, whereas dishonesty will always eliminate you from consideration. The experiences can also serve as an opportunity for you to demonstrate humility and showcase how they helped you grow as a professional.

  • Plan Questions in Advance: Preparing thoughtful, strategic questions that are tailored specifically for each interviewer can set you apart from the competition. Do not ask about benefits, vacation time or other perks until late in the process.

  • Conversation, not a Monologue: You’re evaluating the interviewer and much as they are evaluating you. Concise, articulate answers to questions are preferred, so practicing ahead of time can ensure your responses are seamless.