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Hiring Remotely During COVID-19

If you are lucky enough to still be hiring during the COVID-19 pandemic, you’ve probably found that your previous hiring process is no longer applicable. In working with many companies through this rapid change in hiring dynamics, we’ve developed a formula for successfully interviewing and hiring great talent remotely.

Recommended Process

Running a smooth, efficient recruiting cycle is important in any environment, but clunky processes can be especially apparent to candidates during virtual interviews. We recommend companies follow the interview cycle outlined below and aim to complete the entire process within three weeks. Ideally there should be no more than 2-3 days between stages.

  • Phone Screen (internal recruiting team or agency recruiter)

  • Hiring Manager Phone Interview (30-45 minutes)

  • 3-4 back-to-back video Interviews (hiring manager, leadership team, peer, etc.)

  • Project or Presentation delivery via video to multiple team members (if applicable)

  • Optional informational Peer, Recruiting or HR interview to sell culture, benefits, opportunity

  • Verbal Offer

  • Reference checks

  • Written Offer

Video Interviewing Tips

Video interviews are the next best thing to in-person meetings. To ensure a smooth experience here are some of our best practices:

  • Candidates and interviewers should download the necessary video conferencing system in advance in order to troubleshoot any potential issues and test audio & video quality

  • Both parties should ensure they have decent lighting and are clearly visible in the video

  • Double check that the calendar invite has all necessary details (Link, login PIN, dial-in info, etc.)

  • Remind everyone to charge their phone and/or laptop prior to the interview

  • Turn off all desktop notifications and close out internet browsers that you might be tempted to view during the meeting

  • Have a pad of paper and pen close by to write down notes, questions, etc.

  • Interviewers and candidates should dress professionally & wear pants!

  • Find a quiet place free from interruptions from children, pets, family members and other outside noises

Remote Interviewing Best Practices

  • Offer candidates an opportunity to learn more about your culture without visiting an office. Ideas include informational peer or HR interviews discussing culture, videos showcasing the offices or employees, beefing up your career and Glassdoor page to discuss what it’s like to work there.

  • If possible, have hiring managers book next steps at the end of an interview. If you prefer to have a coordinating team do the scheduling, request that interviewers submit feedback and requested next steps immediately following the meeting.

  • Sell, Sell, Sell: Take the last 5 minutes of every interview to sell the candidate on why you love working for the company, why the opportunity is a great one and why they should want to continue in the process.